Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DIY Lace Shorts from Soffe Shorts

Saw this on Pinterest and had to post it to my blog!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images above!

Okay, so seeing as there are no written directions for this DIY, I'm going to try to add some for you guys! And I think we all know that this DIY is going to be more than three steps, so bear with me!

Soffe Shorts
A few yards of lace (preferably the wider kind)
Fabric glue or a sewing kit

STEP 1: Get your lace and your shorts. Try to make sure that colors are the same, although it would probably be pretty cool if the colors are contrasting. So yeah, get those two items ready.

STEP 2: Wrap some of the lace around the top perimeter of the shorts. Make sure to cover the elastic waist band. Once you've figured out how much lace you need to wrap around, cut it. 

STEP 3: Place glue around the top of the lace only. As you do this, press the lace down onto the fabric. To ensure that the fabric glue doesn't dry first, try not to glue the whole strip of lace at once, but little by little as you go around the perimeter.

STEP 4: Repeat step 2, but you'll be wrapping the lace lower than the first strip. Now this next strip is going to be a bit longer than the first, since the shorts get wider the lower you go, so be sure to measure correctly to avoid any mistakes. 

STEP 5: Repeat step 3, but when you go to place this strip, slide it a little bit under the first strip so that you get a layering effect. Continue this process until the shorts split at the leg holes.

STEP  6: When you get towards the bottom where the shorts split, you'll need to wrap the lace around each leg hole individually. Other than this, it's the same as what you do in STEP 3.

STEP 7: Lastly, once you've got your shorts fully laced-up and looking spiffy, hang them up somewhere to dry. (If you sewed instead of glued, then you can skip this step)

So I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial. Leave me a comment below telling me how I did and thanks for visiting my blog! 

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